• Are you feeling out of alignment in your life?

• Are you feeling numb like you can’t access the full capacity of your emotions?

• Do you often find yourself asking “Is this it? Shouldn’t there be more to life?

• Are you constantly putting everyone else’s needs before your own - either at work, at home or both?

• Are you feeling like you don’t have enough happiness in your life, left wondering what your existence is all about?

If this hits a little too close to home, that’s ok

I’ve been there too, and the good news is you have the power to change it. You deserve to live a life you love, we all do. So let’s find out what’s holding you back and shift it!

Living a life that fulfils you and makes you happy is possible.
You just need to put down your conditioning.

Today, we are so conditioned to be, look, perform, provide and show up in a way that doesn’t always align to our highest truth… often leaving us feeling lacking or unfulfilled.

Whether you are aware of the ways in which this conditioning has impacted you or not, it will most likely have been at play since before you were even born.

In our one on one coaching we will use breath, meditation and cacao coupled with inner child work to help you unpick these behaviours so you can choose which ones YOU want to keep.

Where are you at in your life?


    You work hard but are still not getting anywhere. Maybe you are studying at university, climbing the corporate ladder or even started your own business. Whichever path you’re walking, you are driven, determined and love to embrace all life has to offer. You have travelled, love new experiences but maybe at the moment work or life drama has taken over a little and it’s time to get back to YOU. You know you are capable of so much more in your life and want to achieve it.


    You’ve achieved a lot, but are feeling more empty than ever. Don’t get me wrong, life’s OK, you have disposable income and work is plodding along nicely. You have experience, worked hard to get where you are and have probably achieved some key goals and milestones in your life. You may not yet have, or want children, or they are already grown. Whichever journey you have taken so far, you are currently in a position where you have time to dedicate to yourself rather than others.


    You want to level up and it’s your time to shine! You have this time and the resources available to you now, so you want to make the most of it. You might be thinking ‘What is the purpose of my life now? How do I want to live my life and how can I get the most out of it?’ You’ve worked hard, now you can enjoy the fruits of your labour and have some FUN!  There may be a little niggle in the back of your mind or maybe a big niggle in the front, that something is missing or that you could be doing more.

Where do you want to be?


    Your days are a breeze and you know how to enjoy the little things in life. You aren’t phased by the madness of the world around you and have your own soul focused mission and path to stay on.

    Your job or business are at a beautiful stage where they are organically growing and adding only positive energy to your life and helping you learn and grow each day.

    You know not everything always works out perfectly but trust you have the tools on board to handle situations as they arise and know in yourself you are able to work through any emotion that comes up for you.


    You are owning your life! Living it on your terms and by your own rules! ✨

    You own your mistakes, you’ve healed broken bonds and know exactly what your boundaries are to live a life totally aligned to you.

    You have solid friendships that you know you can depend on and you attract only the right people into your world. You are independent but also more than happy to call on the kindness of others. You are well and truly on your way to achieving financial freedom so you can finally live life your way!


    Your values are clear. Your goals are set and in motion. Things really have turned around for you!

    You’ve found the time to grow your mind, rest your body and let your soul play. You’ve increased your knowledge and learning, listened to what your body was telling you and found your passions in life outside of work.

    You’ve taken back control of what makes you happy and and are living a life of purpose and fulfilment. You wake up with energy excited to see what the new day has in store and are ready to meet it with everything you’ve got. You’ve finally done your inner healing work! Well done ♡

“My biggest passion is helping women question and expand the limitations of their mindset. While providing them a safe space to explore their ‘story’ and give them the tools and encouragement to thrive in the life they know they deserve.”

— Ashley Louise

It’s your time to shine xx

Please know this coaching is not for everyone. I choose to be selective with who I work with as I honour both my time and commitment to your journey. You must be truly ready to have things in your life shift and shake in ways you hadn’t imagined possible. It is true that facing your shadows can be scary at times but the clarity you find out the other side is like nothing else.

I can’t promise you that it will be easy, but I can tell you it’ll be worth it! ♡

Are you ready to take the steps to dive into your purpose and rewrite your future?


Do you feel called to connect with more women on a similar path to you?
Then join the Consciously Connected Women Facebook group. A place to tell our stories, meet other like minded women and share our learnings in a community hub.