Who am I?

I love this question, and will forever be on a journey to understand it on a deeper level. But to save us time, let me tell you what I’ve discovered so far.

I am a passionate and qualified Breath Work Facilitator and Mindfulness Coach. I am also an experienced practitioner of NLP, specialising in emotional intelligence and time-based therapy.
To complement these, I am a qualified Brené Brown - Dare to Lead Facilitator focusing directly on the corporate market, and I am Mental Health First Aid accredited.

I've spent the last 10 years working within a corporate career. In the fields of HR, Recruitment, Project and Operations Management. Most recently in Australia’s largest Telco company, and can talk first hand to the experience of burn out and mental exhaustion within the corporate work space.

I have a deep seated passion for personal development, and for not only raising awareness around mental health, but actually assisting people to find the resources within themselves to empower and propel them forward into a healthier, happier way of living.

My love for helping others to create a more meaningful and fulfilling life inspires and lights me up, and is the reason I do what I do.

I have a big heart and my highest value is being kind to others. I truly believe that everyone is doing the best they can, from where they are at, with what they have been given.

“Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest thing we will ever do.”

Brenè Brown

Trusting My Journey

Burnt out, anxious, depressed and exhausted. I needed a break.

A break from work, from the constant noise of the world, from all my responsibilities; but most importantly… a break from myself!

I’d been avoiding my trauma for years. Convincing myself I was ok, when deep down I knew I wasn’t. Living my life to please others, to fill some sort of void. Trapped inside their conditioning that I’d accepted as my own. Ignoring what truly made me happy by doing what I thought was ‘expected’.

University. Engaged. Corporate job. Saving for a house - That’s what makes people happy right? Well, apparently not me… and I speak from experience, as I’ve tried it all.

I always knew from a young age I wanted an extraordinary life. Full of experiences, excitement and change. But finding myself in such a depressed state in my late 20’s, so far from where I’d hoped to be, was almost more than I could bare.

For the last 10 years it turns out I’d simply been trying to ‘survive’ as opposed to actually living. Trying to push through the pain of suddenly losing my dad to suicide at 19. Doing my best to turn a blind eye to the shame and heart break I’d experienced inside a toxic long term relationship. Choosing to ignore the despair I felt working a job that was causing me such stress and exhaustion… always having bills to pay leaving me feeling like I had no other way out.

Then The Magic Happened

I felt numb, disconnected and lost. Knowing I didn’t want out of this life, I knew I couldn’t continue on like this. My adrenals were shot. I was losing my hair, and couldn’t sleep. I had constant migraines and could feel my body starting to turn against me. I knew there was no other option but to rise out of the mess I’d found myself in, or risk things getting worse.

In a desperate moment, the stars miraculously aligned and I was lucky enough to discover meditation, mindfulness and breathwork. This is when my inner healing journey really began. I started to understand that my body had been living in a state of flight, fright or freeze for years, and that I wasn’t actually broken. My nervous system was simply trying to do it’s job by keeping me safe.

I came to terms with the fact I had been living out of alignment with my truth, and had been trying too hard to ‘stay strong’. It finally occurred to me that being vulnerable and letting go of control could actually help me heal. Scary as it all seemed at the time, I learnt to trust myself more than I ever thought possible, and began to see and appreciate the sort of life I truly desired.

I started to connect more and more with my breath, my boundaries, my beliefs, my values, and my purpose. This is when my life finally started to make sense. To truly heal, meant I had to face my fears, make friends with my shadows and learn to trust myself, believing undoubtably in Me!

So I did… and what I experienced was pure magic.